MACUSA 1 - The History of MACUSA
Today will be our first lesson on the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA). For this lesson, we will be focusing on the history of MACUSA before moving on to the structure of MACUSA next lesson.
Now, MACUSA was founded in 1693 after the International Statute of Secrecy was enhanced as was modelled after the Wizarding Council of Great Britain. Magical communities from all over North America sent representatives to create laws that protected and policed the wizarding kind of America. The two main aims of MACUSA was to get rid of Scourers and round up the wizarding criminals that had fled to America from Europe. The first few years, MACUSA had no fixed meeting place and the first president, Josiah Jackson, was voted into post due to his warlike demeanour.
Jackson's first action was to recruit and train Aurors. There was so few that they knew that there was a high chance that they would lay down lives for the job; the descendants of these witches and wizards have been given a standard of respect in the US. These witches and wizards were:
Wilhelm Fischer
Theodard Fontaine
Gondulphus Graves
Robert Grimsditch
Mary Jauncey
Carlos Lopez
Mungo MacDuff
Cormac O'Brien
Abraham Potter
Berthilde Roche
Helmut Weiss
Only Charity and Theodard would survive to old age.
The main challenge that MACUSA faced (apart from the events surrounding Rappaport's Law) was finding a permanent location. The first base in the Appalachian Mountains was abandoned as it was too remote as wizards like No-Majs had been to live in cities. So, in 1760, the Headquarters was moved to Williamsburg, Virginia, however, an incident with President Thorton Harkaway's crup pups lead to him leaving office and headquarters relocating yet again, this time to Baltimore. However, the No-Maj Congress in the city made MACUSA uneasy so they decided to head to Washington. MACUSA stayed in Washington until 1892 when Irene Kneedander caused an uprising of Sasquatches and therefore multiple obliviations and the destruction of headquarters. So, they up and moved to New York where they are today and where Seraphina Picquery held her post from 1920-1928.
Now, after a rather large amount of information, it's assignment time!