
In today's lesson, we will be covering our neighbouring school of Castleobruxo.
Located in the Brazilian rainforest, Casteobruxo (pronounced Cass-tell-o-broo-shoo), takes in students from all over South America. Like Hogwarts, should No-Majs come across the school, it simply appears as a ruin. The building itself is often compared to a square temple made of golden rock and its grounds are guarded by small and furry spirit-beings called Caipora. A number of former students from the school have gone on to achieve international fame, such as João Coelho (who captains the Tarapoto Tree- Skimmers Quidditch Team) and Libatius Borage (world-renowned potioneer and author of Advanced Potion-Making).
The students of Castelobruxo wear robes of bright green and gold (a clear contrast to Ilvermorny's robes of blue and cranberry) and are said to be extremely proficient at Herbology and Magizoology. It is this expertise that allows the school to offer exchange trips with European schools to study the Flora and Fauna of South America. Unfortunately, the school is very secretive so very little is known about it, however, it does allow us to let our imaginations run wild. Speaking of using your imagination, let's get onto your assignments!
Answer the following questions:
1 - What animal guards the grounds and building at Castelobruxo?
2 - Which two subjects are the students at Castelobruxo considered to be good at?
3 - What is the name of the world's most famous Potioneer who was a graduate of the school?
And choose either 1 or 2:
1 - Do you think that Castelbruxo has a housing system? Explain your reasoning as to your answer and include information about the houses and their sorting system if you think they have one.
2 - Little is known about the building itself, other than it being said to be compared to a golden stone, square temple. Draw or describe what you believe the building of Castlebruxo looks like.